Neuromuscular Therapy – Lift Vida

Lift Vida

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuro Muscular Therapy (NMT) is a highly effective method used for assessing, treating and preventing soft tissue injuries. NMT subsets from trigger point therapy created by Stanley Lief and Boris Chaitow in the 1930s in Europe. Derived from chiropractic and naturopathy, NMT uses clinical reasoning and palpatory skills for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

A primary focus of NMT is to understand the formation, etiology and treatment of myofascial trigger points (TrPs). In NMT a special effort is made to locate the source of referred pain including any perpetuating influences and eliminating them while paying attention to correct negative postural patterns.

NMT is very effective in the treatment of: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), Headaches,  Neck pain, Breathing disorders, Scapulocoastal syndrome, Thoracic outlet syndrome,  Frozen shoulder, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Low back pain, Piriformis syndrome, Sciatica, Meralgia parasthetica, Knee pain, Incontinence,  Improvement of muscular and joint function.