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Common pains due to loss of conditioning with summer traveling Anyone who has taken long trips by car, bus, or plane knows that at some point, the body can start feeling the pains of long summer traveling. Either because of the travel dynamics, the sudden lack of exercise, or the unusual exercise load, the traveling season brings notable effects to our bodies. Long flights …

Common pains due to loss of conditioning with summer traveling Read More »

How runners can benefit from Pilates and Gyro

Running requires a good functioning of the body’s gear. To walk we have 650 muscles at our disposal. However, running is a more complex process. Running involves the lower limbs – the gluteus maximus (which contours) and quadriceps (which extend the knee and help absorb weight impact while running). Posterior musculature of the thigh, the calf, the upper limbs, biceps, and deltoids are all triggered during running.

Energy Healing

Our clients often inquire about physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being, but they often leave out that we are energetic beings. Aside from physical and manual therapy, Energy healing is exceptionally potent and has been used in ancient cultures for hundreds of years through crystal healing, acupuncture, chakra work, reiki, etc.

Understanding your Chakras and the benefit of exercise

Chakras are energy centers distributed throughout the body, originating from the sacred scriptures of Hinduism – the word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit and, not for nothing, they are in constant motion. Its communication takes place through conducting channels, called Nadis, through which our vital energy passes. They represent our “vital magnetic centers, which are part of the subtle nature of the human being”, and that is why they exert such an influence on health and behavior.

Shoulder Dysfunctions

Shoulder pathologies are common, and because the shoulder has a delicate joint, it needs a lot of attention and care. The shoulder joint is the one with the greatest range of motion in the body, as well as the most unstable, being more predisposed to injury to its structures. Its stability depends on the ligaments and muscles of the region, which keep the humerus in place and allow a full range of movement.

Diabetes Care: exercising with diabetes

Today we will talk about diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels, which can cause damage to various organs if left untreated. The main cause of diabetes is poor diet, especially excessive consumption of sugary, processed foods and lack of physical exercise.

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Exercise

Today our post is about office workers who routinely spend most of their day sitting, using the keyboard and mouse, and suffering the consequences caused by the repetitive efforts. The work environment contributes significantly to musculoskeletal disorders, which can be preventable with adjustments to the environment and supporting exercise programs to prevent and recover from this concern.

Why is your Hip making your life harder?

Have you ever experienced stiffness in and around the hip and even in the lower back? Any difficulty moving the joint and weakness in the leg? Having pain or stiffness in your hip can affect many of our functional, daily activities. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of the world population over 65 years of age suffer from osteoarthritis, mainly in the hip.

Foot Dysfunctions and your Health

Today we decided to shed more light on Dysfunctions and Foot Health.
Have you ever felt your feet swelling and had the sensation of lack of blood circulation Well, our feet support our body all day long, and is natural to feel some discomfort. Nevertheless, it’s important to monitor your feet’ health to prevent more serious dysfunctions.
The feet are the base of the whole body, with many veins and nerve endings. Cramps, sweating, and low temperature in the feet are signals that something is not right. Cramps can be a sign of poor circulation, poor hydration, or lack of some nutrients in the body, and keep in mind that foot care goes far beyond the aesthetic and hygienic parts.

Gyrotonic and Osteoporosis

As the world population is aging, the burden of Osteoporosis is expected to increase. An osteoporosis diagnosis can be alarming for the patient. Some are afraid to move their spine, others feel uncertain about what types of movements are beneficial for them, lacking the body awareness or knowledge to avoid potentially harmful movements. Osteoporosis is characterized by the accelerated loss of bone mass and is caused by the decreased absorption of minerals and calcium. The elder population inflicted by osteoporosis can suffer consequences as their bones become more fragile, and a simple fall can cause serious injuries or trauma.

The use of Gyrotonic and Pilates in injury rehabilitation and conditioning

While we are all subject to injury setbacks, being aware of our body’s risk areas and taking a proactive approach to training and rehab can help prevent future damage and speed up recovery.

Combining Pilates and GYROTONIC® methods after an injury helps create strength and stability around the body’s joints. Both methods work in tandem to facilitate a range of motion, leading to less pain in the injury area.

Anti-aging and exercise: Brain and body benefits

Nowadays the advancement of geriatric medicine, training methods, nutrition, and, above all, awareness of the aging process, well-being, and quality of life, the overall conditioning of the elderly population underwent a radical change. A 50-year-old man who regularly exercises has a young brain, a strong body, and is building up for longevity.

Neuromuscular Therapy and the treatment of Chronic Pain

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a therapeutic method used to assess, treat and prevent soft tissue injuries. NMT subsets of trigger point therapy, created by Stanley Lief and Boris Chaitow in Europe 1930s. Derived from chiropractic and naturopathy, NMT uses clinical reasoning and palpatory skills to manage acute and chronic pain and design a treatment protocol, which may vary slightly between therapists.

Stress response: the relationship between body and mind

Joy, sadness, anger, fear. Every day, our mind and body go through different sets of emotions, triggering impacts on our health. Getting emotional is a complex experience. According to the Portuguese neuroscientist António Dama´sio, emotions can be primary (such as laughing or crying) or secondary, the latter being the result of learning and associated with past responses.

What is a Holistic Approach to health concerns?

Lift Vida studio is dedicated to the evolution of your well-being and equipped to support your health goals, combining several methods to provide such support. “A holistic approach means to provide the support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should consider their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing.”

Pre and Post Natal Training

Pregnancy is a unique moment in a woman’s life. Both physically and emotionally, from discovery to breastfeeding, all gestational stages are different and should be enjoyed to the fullest. However, pregnancy demands from the female body pre and post-natal, and its recovery will depend not only on genetic factors but on one’s choices before and after childbirth.

Lift Vida Studio is a center for movement and health located in Coral Gables, offering a full range of services and therapies aiming at your well-being, with personalized programs for pre and post-natal wellness. Our programs have a holistic approach and combine different therapies and methods, including Pilates and Gyrotonic®️, each with specific qualities, for joint and effective results.

Pilates and Gyrotonic training for Tennis players

The United States is a tennis power hub and home to many High-Performance Training Centers in this sport. It is also one of the main destinations for rising athletes since many of the best universities in the country allow athletes/students from different countries to continue their studies while receiving sports training in this modality…

The benefits of Gyrotonic training for golfers Worldwide there are an estimated 80 million golfers and approximately 30,000 golf courses, half of which are in the United States (source: Golfdigest). Golf is one of the world’s most money-moving sports and includes the direct industry (Golf projects, golf courses, golf equipment, media, and golf tournaments) and the indirect industry (Golf Tourism and …

The benefits of Gyrotonic training for golfers Read More »

The Gyrotonic and the Pilates Method for Cyclists Road Cycling as a sport has been growing all over the world, but despite its spike in popularity, cycling demands intense physical effort. Riding properly requires physical conditioning and good body awareness, and important details such as your body positioning can impact your choice of sports practice. The optimal riding position varies according to …

The Gyrotonic and the Pilates Method for Cyclists Read More »

Seniors and strength training

In 2018, the percentage of people aged 65 and over surpassed that of children under five. And the number of individuals aged 80 and above is forecasted to triple – from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050.
The population aged 65 and over is growing faster than all other age groups, particularly as the global birth rate has been plunging since the second half of the 20th century.

The Relationship Between Energy, Breath, and movement

For most of us, breathing goes unnoticed during our daily activities, but there is an intrinsic relationship between breathing, movement, and energy.

When we breathe, we create direct and indirect vibrations. The direct vibration is generated by physically stimulating the vagus nerve and through the change of chemical composition of our muscle cells.

Gyrotonic Core Series

Today we will show you a Gyrotonic core series with 04 exercises using Jumping Stretching Board. They are plank exercises that defy gravity and work the core musculature in all its extension and amplitude.

Today we will discuss the benefits of Gyrotonic and Pilates on a herniated disc treatment A herniated disc is a common modern-life disease. Over time, the repetitive movement, the force of gravity, day-to-day tension, addictions, postural deviations, and aging, contribute to reducing the space between the vertebrae, applying pressure on the disc, until it is worn out, thus facilitating the herniated disc formation. Over a lifetime, 60 to 80% …

Today we will discuss the benefits of Gyrotonic and Pilates on a herniated disc treatment Read More »

Cross-training of Gyrotonic and Pilates for runners

Running is one of the best exercises to keep your health up to date. It moves a good part of your body, improves the cardiorespiratory system, and is effective in reducing measurements. Running is uplifting and may lighten up for the rest of your day. Another benefit running can provide is muscle strengthening. While it doesn’t lead to hypertrophy or mass gain, it makes muscles more defined and rigid.

Combined efforts to treat Plantar Fasciitis

Today we are discussing a disease that affects a good part of the world population: plantar fasciitis – an inflammatory or degenerative process affecting the plantar fascia (also called plantar aponeurosis), a membrane of fibrous and inelastic connective tissue that covers the musculature from the foot sole, from the calcaneus bone, which guarantees the shape of the heel, to the base of the toes.

Stress Fracture and Exercise

Today we’re going to delve into a subject that has been talked about in recent years: stress fractures. Stress or fatigue fractures are microfractures caused by the repetition of forces that, in isolation, would not be capable of causing the fracture. We can compare them to what happens when you repetitively bend a metal clip. Although the force applied each time the clip is bent is insufficient to break it, repetitive stress will lead to fatigue and material breakage.

Today, we are discussing the Guillain-Barré syndrome, a disease of the peripheral nervous system

Peripheral nerves are located outside the brain and spinal cord and act by transmitting sensation and movement. The Guillain-Barré syndrome, also known as acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuropathy or acute immune-mediated polyradiculopathy, is an acquired nervous system disease (neuropathy), probably of an autoimmune nature, marked by loss of the myelin sheath and tendon reflexes. It manifests itself in the form of acute inflammation of these nerves and sometimes of the nerve roots, and it can affect people of any age, especially older adults.

Understanding Assisted Lymphatic Drainage First, let’s start understanding Lymphatic drainage. It consists of a massage technique that works the lymphatic system, stimulating it to work quickly, moving the lymph to the lymph nodes. This technique was developed in 1932 by the Danish therapist Vodder and his wife and was later refined and became popular. Your Lymphatic is one …

Understanding Assisted Lymphatic Drainage Read More »

Have you heard about Padabhyanga, Ayurvedic Reflexology?

Carol Jamault, Licensed massage therapist, Certified Health Coach, Registered Yoga Teacher (200-h), and Ayurveda therapist at Lift Vida wrote an article shedding light on the theme. Padabhyanga is a massage of the feet and lower legs using warm herbal oils and a small bowl (or wand) made of a combination of three metals (copper, zinc, and tin).

Understanding Spine curvature disorders: scoliosis, kyphosis, and stenosis

The cause of most pathological spinal deviations is idiopathic, meaning its origin is obscure, unknown. However, some cases of abnormal spine deviations may be related to congenital or life-long acquired anomalies. The concern can also be associated with bone, muscle, or neurological changes in the body, and is affected by inadequate postural habits, trauma, tumors, obesity, improper physical activity, sedentary life, smoking, and more.

Appropriate measures for the health of your wrist and hand

Numerous ailments can affect your wrists and hands, including traumatic injuries (caused by domestic accidents, for example); carpal tunnel syndrome; synovial injury; tenosynovitis; triangular fibrocartilage lesion; osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis; Kienbock’s disease; Guyon’s canal syndrome; bone or soft tissue tumors; lupus, etc. Most of these ailments cause pain, from moderate to severe, and generate bone and tissue deformities.

Have you ever thought about your foot health?

Your feet are responsible for keeping you upright and ensuring your mobility throughout your life, but we don’t always pay attention or guarantee them the proper care. Feet suffer a lot of daily abuse from walking, running, jumping, and climbing, so naturally, they are subject to many different types of problems. From injuries to inflammation, many different types of damage and malfunction can cause foot problems, but there are specific situations to be avoided to prevent neglecting your feet.

Here is Everything you wanted to ask about Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods

The Gyrotonic Expansion System®️ was created by Juliu Horvath. in the 80″s. Juliu was an athlete, a dancer who was also a gymnast, swimmer, yogi, and acupuncturist, in the late 70s. The Gyrotonic®️ method has a unique and holistic approach to movement. Some of the benefits of regular gyro practice include a healthier and more flexible spine, range of motion gain, improved joint stability, greater agility, athletic performance, inner strength gain, built through personalized sessions designed to meet the needs of all ages and abilities, from elderly patients recovering from injuries to highly qualified professional athletes, such as Olympic medalist (Tokyo 2020) Ariel Torres of Kata Karate, USA team.

How to improve your Neck Health?

Published statistics on Neck Pain in the US population state that “among adults, 20% to 70% will experience neck pain that interferes with their daily activities during their lifetime.” And “Sudden-onset (acute) neck pain is a common type of pain and will affect about 15% of the world’s population at some point in their lives”. These are staggering numbers.

Stress Management: Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress at Work Modern life is challenging, full of deadlines, lots of demands, and pressure. The funny fact is that people are getting used to that kind of pressure as they do not recall life without it. This pressure is commonly referred to as stress and is considered by many the greatest 21st-century evil. But what is …

Stress Management: Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress at Work Read More »

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: causes, symptoms, and exercises

Modern life has brought to us some syndromes little known until the mid-twentieth century, and Carpal Tunnel is one of them. There is no conclusive scientific evidence of any intervention capable of preventing carpal tunnel syndrome, but it is known that the main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is repetitive strain injury, generated by repetitive movements such as typing or playing musical instruments. There are also traumatic causes, such as falls and fractures, inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis), hormonal and drug use, but it can also be caused by diseases such as obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, fluid retention, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases or wrist injuries, such as fracture or dislocation, for example.

Adrenal fatigue for women over 40 years old (pre-menopause)

Thanks to modern medicine, studies on aging, physical training, nutrition, and alternative treatments, life expectancy is increasing around the world. Nevertheless, women’s aging can be challenging and unpleasant as a result of the so-called climacteric – a period that precedes the end of a woman’s reproductive life, marked by somatic and psychic changes and which ends in menopause, known as pre-menopause.

The Climacteric occurs due to the depletion of ovarian follicles, which causes a progressive decrease in estrogen production. It can be defined as the transitional phase between a woman’s reproductive period and the non-reproductive phase. Usually, the process starts around 40 years and can last, on average, 20 years. During this period, the manifestation of a difficult-to-diagnose symptom known as Adrenal Fatigue is common.

Why is blood circulation so vital for our health?

Blood circulation is one of the most important functions of the body playing an important role in your overall health. Not surprisingly, the main component of this function involves the heart. Nevertheless, the lack of information leads people to underestimate its importance, making lifestyle choices that significantly impede this function, including smoking and not exercising regularly. Some illnesses can also create circulation problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, making it even more important to keep up with good health habits.

Benefits for Pre and Postnatal Exercise

Planning for a pregnancy can be an exciting and stressful time. Today we have executive mothers, athletic mothers, mothers who play active roles in our economy, live active lives, and need to exercise to stay healthy and dynamic. During pregnancy, many physical and physiological changes occur. The practice of regular and well-oriented physical activity contributes to the maintenance of physical fitness, benefits the mother and baby’s health, and contributes to a good postpartum recovery.

Gyrotonic and Pilates for teenagers

Who said parenting would be an easy journey? Bringing up exercise-conscious teenagers can be challenging! Teenagers are rebellious by definition, they believe they know everything and are always right. But we parents – who have gone through adolescence and its hormonal revolution, bodily transformations, and the turmoil of emotions – know that guidance, at this stage, is essential for our children to become happy, balanced individuals.

Welcome to Lift Vida Studio!

Good morning everybody! Did you know that there is a place completely dedicated and equipped for the evolution of your well-being and your health goals right near you? Lift Vida is located in the heart of Coral Gables, we are a center of movement and health. Our methods include Gyrotonic®️, Pilates, Neuro Muscular Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, and Ayruveda massages, among other services that you can learn about on our website.

The Breathing Therapy

Our breath is the bridge that connects mind, body, and spirit. Once we experience and understand it, it can radically improve our physical, mental, and spiritual state of being. Breath techniques have been around for centuries dating back to India thousands of years ago. Now they are being recognized for their benefits by pro athletes and executives alike. We call the technique Breath Experience to create a container of possibility, detached from the idea of having to do “work”. Within our breath, we find the essence of life itself, and this powerful force is accessible in every moment abruptly free of charge to us.

How exercise can improve sleep

How exercise can improve sleep

With the world in constant evolution, people’s routine has become increasingly raced and competitive. It is no wonder that psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety are part of the life of a large part of the world population. Modern life impacts the most diverse everyday activities of people. Work-life balance, stress, poor diet, lack of regular exercise, bad air quality in big cities, alcohol consumption, all of this contributes to an important period of our lives being impaired: sleep.

A Take on Osteoporosis Through Pilates and Gyrotonic

How are you currently strengthening your bones? Are you aware of your bone density? These are out-of-the-box questions you have to ask yourself when monitoring your bone health. Throughout life, our bodies constantly absorb and replace bone tissue. When inflicted with Osteoporosis, new bone creation doesn’t keep up with old bone removal. Unfortunately, many people have no symptoms until they have a bone fracture. Osteoporosis is a more common condition in women over 45 that leaves bones brittle and porous. As it progresses with advancing age, the disease increases the risk of fractures, especially of the hip, rib, and femoral neck.

Ayurveda and your vision health: ancient therapy that makes a difference

Modern life has deeply impacted our eye health, and more than ever it is important to maintain good eye care habits to keep our eyes healthy and our vision clear. Daily routine with heavy computer use, tablets, and smartphones are consistently requireimpairing our vision. Studies have shown that the blue light could be one of the main responsible factors on our vision discomfort, and the scenario could worsen, as researchers from the University of Toledo, in Ohio, try to prove that the blue light from the screens can evolve into long-term blindness.

The Importance of Exercise on Post-acute Covid recovery

A legacy of COVID-19 will be a long-term requirement to support patients with dedicated rehabilitation services. Post-acute COVID-19 is a colloquial term being used to describe patients reporting persistent symptoms for longer than would be typically expected. Symptom profiles do not follow a universal trend and could last for several weeks to months, or even longer. In this sense, after medical discharge, patients question the ideal way and the necessary time for rest and rehabilitation to be able to resume normal physical exercise.

How to Develop Rotational Sports through Gyrotonic® and Pilates

In the world of sports, many modalities we love are commonly referred to as Rotational Sports. Sports like Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Baseball require twisting within the torso to perform their sport-specific movement, but what rotational athletes must understand is that rotation movement development is interlaced with adequate use of the close body kinetic chain, in this case, the foot, and its relation to the ground.

In that sense, the possibility of training outside their abilities using alternative methods like GYROTONIC and PILATES may allow rotational athletes a more complete development of the muscles that participate in these movements.

The relation between Exercise and mental health

The world changed! The pandemic has proven that routines may be forced to change, and its consequences alert us that, now, more than ever, that is essential to take measures to preserve our mental health. Despite all that is happening in the world each of us can contribute to ensuring that we stay mentally healthy, and one of the best ways to do this is to exercise regularly.

Discussing obesity is important as it is a disease that affects a large part of the world’s population

Obesity is characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat in the individual. For diagnosis in adults, the most commonly used parameter is the body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing the patient’s weight by his height squared. It is the standard used by the World Health Organization (WHO), which identifies normal weight when the result of the BMI calculation is between 18.5 and 24.9. See the complete table and find out your BMI here. To be considered obese, the BMI must be above 30.